
Novy Phantom

Creating an eyecatching recirculation hood.

Novy Phantom
Product design
Portfolio management

Augmenting higher value perception and gross margin.

In its rewarding and long running endeavor in transforming and rejuvenating Novy’s brand and product portfolio, Made deployed its money & magic approach to Novy’s top of the line recirculating extractor hood. The objective: retaining the existing technology and inner workings of the extractor hood, generating a significantly higher value perception, aimed at a more high-end export market and prompting a higher gross margin.

Out-of-the-box box-in-box design and smart materialization

Made decided to work towards an eye-catching design with premium materialization without the need for Capex heavy tooling in both low and high volumes. Made’s designers and engineers explored the direction of a glass housing to create a distinctive and high-end look, paired to an equally unique and stylish box-in-box design.

From idea to functional MVP

In close collaboration with the R&D and MKT teams at Novy, Made was able to create and test prototypes from very early on. This contributed considerably to the engineering setup of the functional inner working of the hood, but also helped to focus on and solve specific challenges like the mounting as well as the intricate and accomplished lighting design. Made was instrumental from the initial detection of potential, throughout the total conceptualization, design, engineering and industrialization process.

An award-winning brand builder

The resulting Novy Phantom fits seamlessly into Novy’s design DNA that Made helped to transform and define. The pendant hood won nearly every international design award. A textbook example of how Made grows an idea to a ground-breaking real-world reality and a strikingly healthy business case.


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Interested in driving your business forward on a level of sustainability, innovation and digitalisation?

Made's Manufacturing Innovation and Design Director Kevin Verborgh is keen to have a chat. Want to define what’s next together?